“The role of a clown and a physician are the same - it’s to elevate the possible and to relieve the suffering.”
- Hunter “Patch” Adam
Stories… We all have them
A story has 5 basic elements, which include, character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution.
CHARACTER: Amber Vaughn (Show Set Designer. Storytelling Designer.)
SETTING: Currently, I am located in my home, sitting with my computer, listening to “Fuller House” play in the background. Although this setting seems simple enough, my scenery has not always been as such. Broader locations include: Atlanta Metropolitan Area (GA), Savannah, GA, Winston-Salem, NC and Orlando, FL
BEGINNING: Grew up in a small-one-caution-light-town, where I lived on a farm until the age of 9. My hometown does not contain an entertainment venue of any kind; residents would either leave town for entertainment or find ways to create their own. While growing up, I searched for outlets to allow performance, creativity and design. I found through educational opportunities and community service work that I could be creative in designing platforms for not only educating, but helping. I took this passion with me to study Theatre in Savannah, GA, where I found my path to work in The Themed Entertainment Industry (Orlando).
MIDDLE: Working as a Show Set Designer, bringing to life themed environments for people to create and live in their own stories.
END: In the future I hope to continue to spread joy and happiness.
CONFLICT: My life has had many pains, trials and tribulations. Not all of which I will disclose. However, as an advocate for positive mental health and someone who has had their own battles, I have experience in being trapped in a dark mental state of mind. Seeking medical help without resolution, as well as, being turned away from getting help, are feelings that are not lost on me. After a lot of time learning that medications are not always the solution when it comes to mental health, I discovered the positive effects life-style changes and change of scenery could have on a person’s overall well-being.
RESOLUTION: Storytelling Through Design. Knowing I am not alone in the types of struggles I have experienced, I also know that I am not alone in the type of healing processes and methods I have practiced. The most effective method of healing, I have found, is the ability to escape. Escape from the current reality by throwing yourself into an alternate reality, either through engaging in a book, film/television or physically entering into a new environment. Sometimes an expertly constructed story, such as film or television, open the door for healing. Other times, walking into a new (thoughtfully designed) environment gives the individual the ability to physically write their own story, in turn allowing them to self-heal. Being the designer of atmospheres/environments, allows me to assist in every individual’s story and help in their healing process. Not all atmospheres are created through story; sometimes, the story is created through the atmosphere.
I will continue to design so that people can live their stories.
- Amber Vaughn